Monday, June 28, 2004
Saturday I go to Blockbuster to get some movies to watch since I ahven't had a chance to do that in peace in a long time. So I rent the following flicks
1. The Rundown 2. Club Dread 3. Bad Santa My reviews are as follows. Number two I thought would be funny cause these were the same guys that mad SUpertroopers. Nope this movie completely sucked my ass. I was extremely disappointed since this was the first one I had watched. The second film on the aganeda was Bad Santa. My friend STeve told me this movie was funny, most of the time we are on the same level for funniness. Not this time, I think I laughed twice during the movie. Now I am getting pissed cause Steve said it was good and I am just waiting for the funny parts and they never came. So now I'm out like $8 for crap. The thrd film on the list was the Rundown. I have been a WWF fan for a long time and I am amused at the Rock's mic skills so I thought this would translate well over to films, plus Stifler from AMerican Pie was in it. The film was mildly better than the first two pieces of crap I had watched. Although the fight scenes in it were pretty damn sweet So in all I wasted just the $8, The Rundown was worth the $4, but just barely. |