
Crap & More Crap

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Ok Ok ...Drudgereport moved the JAnet boobie from front page to the archive section. Now is it just me or does everyone else when they go to work don't do jack shit for the first 15-30 minutes in the morning checking the headlines. It takes awhile to read all the crap in the WOrld NEt Daily, that paper is the bomb, it is a combo of real news, National Enquirer and conspircay theory. The shit I read on there I never see anywhere else. Key example was the guy in Texas @ BASF chemical who was shot by who he says was a bearded dark skinned man. This made headlines on CNN and the likes for one day, WOrld Net Daily has had this fucker around for like two weeks now. I love that shit, give me more and more of that kind of reporting, I want to know every god damn thing and then if the guy is a fraud, string him up by his balls and beat him like a pinata til candy comes out. MMMM candy.

Yesterday I was on a rant about Super Bowl commercials and saying how they all sucked my wang. Upon further review I added a few more to the good list, Simpsons commercial for MAstercard great, Frito Lay one with the old lady and man was decent. 7up did a good one also. The Pepsi one with the BEar was pretty damn funny. The Staples Godfather take off was awesome and the other Jimmi Hendrix Pepsi one was ok.

One last rant about Pepsi. They think they have to do all these fancy ass commercials, while Coke does not have to do jack shit. Coke just says "Hey were fucking coke, drink our shit" no fancy shmancy advertising no nothing. Coke is the bomb, they are like that old Guido while Pepsi is that one that is good but just not good enough to remember. ANyone who disagrees with my opinions is just wrong so PISS OFF
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