Friday, February 13, 2004
Holy Shit man am I about to go on a rampage here. FOr the past year I have been using the phone company Vonage to make all of my phone calls. It is a neat little service where for $35 and a broadband internet connection I can call freaking California for a month straight and my bill stays at $35. But now the fucking FCC wants a piece of the action and wants to tax this and tax that. Fuck these Fuckers. I even saw where they are taxing internet sales in 18 states. I thought the whole idea of the internet was to keep things free. Man I hate greedy bastards who fuckin want to ruin a good thing. I hope they all get genital warts. It is time to take down the man and by the man I mean WHitey.
WOAH WOAH WOaH, I probably shouldn't have watched Higher Learning last night. I am pissed off about this happy horseshit and want to not pay these taxes. Screw them. By the way I hope the people from Vonage are reading this so they can give me free service for sticking up for them. Voange Voange Vonage. |